
10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Cumming Arts Center @ the Brannon-Heard House
111 Pilgram Mill Road, Cumming, GA, 30040

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Beginner Encaustic Painting Workshop

Instructor: Kris Straukas

This class will teach you the basics in Encaustic painting. Learn how to melt the medium and keep it within a safe working temperature, tools required and safety precautions to get you started. Experiment with different materials to create an 8 x 10 collage. 

What is Encaustic Painting? The word “Encaustic” is a Greek word meaning “to heat or burn in”. Encaustic medium is made of natural Beeswax and Damar Resin (crystallized tree sap). The beeswax and resin is melted, pigment can be added, and applied in layers to a porous surface with brushes and other tools. Wax layers are then reheated to fuse it to the previous layer. Encaustic mediums and paints are a versatile, spontaneous medium. They can be re-melted to create different effects, layered in opaque or translucent layers, modeled, textured, scraped, sculpted, polished, or combined with a variety of materials to create collage works. Unlike other paints, encaustic is never wet or dry – it goes from a liquid to a solid state and back again in seconds, allowing additional layers to be added immediately.

Dates:  January 24th

Time: 10am to 3pm

Cost: $145.00 per person  Ages 18+

All Materials Included 

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Beginner Encaustic Painting Workshop
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