Christmas Festival Booth Fee

8X10 Indoor booth

Complete the Form to Process Your Booth Payment

You will be directed to PayPal to process your payment. You do not need a PayPal account, click on the “Pay by Debit/Credit Card” button option to bypass the PayPal account sign-in.

CF Booth Payment Form 8X10
When you complete the form and click on the "Submit" button, you will be directed to PayPal to process your payment. YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT, scroll down and click on "Pay by Debit/Credit Card" button option to bypass the PayPal account sign in.


Booth and Electricity Request

Sawnee Association of the Arts and the Forsyth Conference Center at Lanier Technical College, its agents, employees, and representatives thereof assume no liability or responsibility for injury or loss that may result to any vendor/exhibitor or his/her personal or corporate effects, including goods for sale that may occur on the premises or may arise under SAA Christmas Art & Crafts Festival activities. Applicant further agrees, consents, and acknowledges to hold Sawnee Association of the Arts and the Forsyth Conference Center at Lanier Technical College, its agents, employees and representatives harmless for any such injury or loss. I have read, understand, and accept the event information, show guidelines, registration information, parking information, and application information for SAA Christmas Arts & Crafts Festival at Lanier Tech.
