
9:30 am - 11:30 am


Bookings closed


Cumming Arts Center
111 Pilgrim Mill Rd, Cumming, GA 30040, Cumming, GA, 30041

Event Type

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Class Fee: $35.00

Ages 6-10 Only – Class size is limited to 8 children.

Date: Monday February 17th

AND Saturday, February 22nd for Students who want to assemble their chimes

Instructor: Paula Chambers; experienced teacher in children and adult glass art.

Class Synopsis: In this workshop students will learn how to cut glass using several different tools and techniques. They will then assemble a five piece wind chime with sheet glass, stringers, vitrigraph and various sizes of frit and metal. On Saturday students will assemble their chimes using copper/brass wire and a wooden hanger. If a student can not make the Saturday class, the wind chimes will be assembled for them and will be left at the Cumming Arts Center for pick up.

Instructor: $25.00

Materials: $10.00


Registrations are closed for this class.