Abby Hermes


 Abby Hermes (Jiiri) is an Environmental Surrealist Artist based in Georgia, whose artistic journey encompasses various creative realms such as Illustration, Fashion, Performance, Education, Comics & Literature, and more. Striving to be eco-friendly and nature-oriented, Abby utilizes handmade art supplies and environmentally conscious materials into their work and previously taught Art at Kennesaw State University (2015-2022) before transitioning to an Independent structure. They’ve been teaching workshops across the US since 2010 and has works integrated into both public and private collections throughout the world.

 Through patient and expert guidance, Abby employs a highly tailored teaching approach, taking individual needs and personalities into account to cultivate a distinct learning environment that empowers students to embark on a journey of independent expression and skill development while keeping it fun!

 Inspired by the quotes of Bob Ross, “There are no mistakes, only happy accidents,” and Salvador Dali, “Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.” – Abby’s classroom atmosphere is engaging, elevating, and empathetic with an emphasis on Skill being subjective and intertwined with the valuable process of making and learning from mistakes.

 With a diverse range of past students, including individuals of different ages, abilities, and health conditions, Abby firmly believes in the inherent creative capacity within each person – that the initial step towards unleashing this potential lies in learning and acknowledging the joy within Self.