2024 Members Only Calendar Contest
Will you be our Calendar Girl (or Guy) in 2024? This year’s Calendar Contest will be virtual once again. SAA Members may submit one high quality photo of their favorite piece of art that will be displayed on the 2024 Calendar Contest page on the SAA website. Members of the public, as well as SAA members, will be allowed to vote for their three favorite pieces of art. There is no entry fee for this show.
Each member may submit only one entry. This can be any type of artwork that the member creates, including jewelry, woodworking, pottery, painting, drawing, photography, egg art, crochet, fabric art, soaps, candles, etc., in other words, all types of 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional art. You do not need to be a current exhibitor at the Cumming Arts Center to submit your artwork, but you must be an SAA member. If you are not currently a member, you may join or renew by going to the sawneeart.org website to complete the membership form and pay your annual dues.
Photo submissions will be accepted on the SAA/Cumming Arts Center website (sawneeart.org) starting March 26th through April 8th, 2023. You must include the following information with your artwork photo: Name of artist, Title or description of art piece, and Medium. If your work is framed, please do not include the frame in your photograph. Note: Be sure your photo is centered, focused and of good resolution. There should be little or no background visible around your artwork. Be careful not to get reflections or glare on your subject. 3D artists: please limit the subject of your photo to no more than three examples of your artwork so that the detail and quality of your pieces can be best appreciated. This photo will be the only way the quality of your work can be appreciated and judged.
The artworks will be available for voting by the public on the Sawnee Arts website beginning April 9th through April 23rd. The twelve entries with the highest vote counts will be included in the calendar for 2024. The winning artists will be asked to submit their own personal photo to be included with a very short bio at the back of the calendar.
The SAA 2024 calendars, when published, will be available for sale to members and the public at the Cumming Arts Center, on the SAA website and at SAA monthly meetings and at the Christmas Festival at Lanier Tech event, planned for November 2023. These calendars have been a very good fund-raising project since 2019, as well as an effective way to get our organization and members recognized in our community. These calendars are great gifts.
Good luck to all!
Bunny Salter
Chairperson SAA Calendar Contest 2024