BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190522T180000Z DTEND:20190522T220000Z DTSTAMP:20190422T132659Z URL: SUMMARY:Tea Party Time with Carole Kjellsen DESCRIPTION:Class Description\nInstructor: Carole Kjellsen\nFee:  $15.00\n \nJoin the staff at the art center as they celebrate Mother’s Day during the month of May for a Tea Party.\n\nTake this step back in time and enjo y this old Southern tradition\; you may even sip your tea on the veranda i f you choose. It will be good for your soul to take this time and renew yo ur spirit as you sip your beverage and sample the selection of tea time fo ods while enjoying the art at the art center. Finger foods like gourmet ch icken salad\, smoked salmon\, cucumber sandwiches\, assorted cheeses\, fru its and nuts\, scones\, petit fours etc.\n\nThe Russian Tea Room in NY off ers afternoon teas for $60 per person\n\nPlaces in Atlanta offers afternoo n teas starting at $32 to  $50 per person\n\nJoin us at the Brannon Heard House for afternoon Tea in Cumming the month of May for only $15 per pers on\; this promises to be a real treat for Mothers\, Daughters\, Sons and a nyone who wants to support the arts in Forsyth County. Yes\, it is High Te a\, but we are calling them Tea Parties.\n\nGot a question for Carole?\n\n [contact-form to="" subject="Question for Carole"][con tact-field label="Name" type="name" required="1"][contact-field label="Ema il" type="email" required="1"][contact-field label="Message" type="textare a"][/contact-form]\n ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ds/2018/02/Carole-Kjellsen-BioPhoto-Square.jpg?fit=216%2C211&ssl=1 CATEGORIES:Special Event LOCATION:Cumming Arts Center\, 111 Pilgrim Mill Rd\, Cumming\, GA 30040\, C umming\, GA\, 30041\, United States GEO:34.210207;-84.132135 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=111 Pilgrim Mill Rd\, Cummi ng\, GA 30040\, Cumming\, GA\, 30041\, United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X- TITLE=Cumming Arts Center:geo:34.210207,-84.132135 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR