BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20211014T150000Z DTEND:20211014T180000Z DTSTAMP:20210919T164958Z URL: SUMMARY:Amigurumi Crochet for Beginners DESCRIPTION:Instructor Kris Straukas\n      \nWhat is Amigurumi? Amiguru mi is a Japanese term that refers to the beautiful and artful technique of crocheting stuffed whimsical animals\, dolls and other 3-D objects.\nThis three-hour beginner class will provide instruction to learn basic Amiguru mi stitches and create a sphere\, egg or ice cream cone. Workshop will inc lude pattern\, with detailed instructions and pictures. It is recommended that students are familiar with the following basic crochet stitches: sing le crochet\, slip stitch\, chain stitch\, double and triple crochet stitch . CDC guidelines will be followed and masks are required.  MATERIAL LIST CLICK HERE.  CDC guidelines will be followed and masks are requested for unvaccinated students.\nIf you need to learn the basic Amigurumi stitches\ , Kris is holding a beginner workshop where you will learn how to make an egg\, sphere or  ice cream cone.\n\nMATERIAL LIST - CLICK HERE\n\nDates  Available:\n\nThursday\, October 14 - 10AM to 1PM\n\nWednesday\, October 27 - 10AM to PM\n\nCost: $35.00\n\nLocation: The Cumming Arts Center - U pstairs Classroom\n\n[wpforms id="44860" title="true"] CATEGORIES:Textile LOCATION:Cumming Arts Center @ the Brannon-Heard House\, 111 Pilgram Mill R oad\, Cumming\, GA\, 30040\, United States X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=111 Pilgram Mill Road\, Cum ming\, GA\, 30040\, United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X-TITLE=Cumming Arts Center @ the Brannon-Heard House:geo:0,0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR