BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210417T150000Z DTEND:20210418T210000Z DTSTAMP:20210211T143458Z URL: SUMMARY:Allen R. Young (Watercolor with Dry Brush) DESCRIPTION:\nWildlife Artist Alan R. Young is well established throughout the south for his Birds of the Appalachia paintings. His technique\, wat ercolor is dry brush\, differs from traditional watercolor\, allowing f or increased\ndetail and construct. Many who view his paintings for the fi rst time often mistake the work for photography. Among his many followers and collectors\, his “split study” portrait of both the Great Horned O wl and the Barred Owl\n(circa. 2018) continue to receive tremendous accola des.*2019 marked the Twentieth Anniversary of his teaching of “Pen and I nkDrawing” classes at the prestigious John C. Campbell Folk School in Br asstown\, North Carolina. Apart from the School\, Alan is always available to discuss individual and group classes\, fees and travel included –\na nywhere within a 300-mile radius is open.\nWatercolor in Dry brush Techniq ue with Alan R. Young (Class Fee $150)\nDates: April 17th and April 18th\n Cumming Arts Center Upstairs classroom\nBring your lunch\nMasks required\n Class will be socially distanced\nSupply List will be sent upon Registrati on for Class\n\n\n[wpforms id="41842"]\n\n\n\n CATEGORIES:Painting LOCATION:Cumming Arts Center @ the Brannon-Heard House\, 111 Pilgram Mill R oad\, Cumming\, GA\, 30040\, United States X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=111 Pilgram Mill Road\, Cum ming\, GA\, 30040\, United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X-TITLE=Cumming Arts Center @ the Brannon-Heard House:geo:0,0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR