BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190417T150000Z DTEND:20190417T210000Z DTSTAMP:20190316T174647Z URL: s-straukas-2 SUMMARY:Advanced Color Pencil Techniques with Kris Straukas DESCRIPTION:Class Description\nInstructor: Kris Straukas\nFee:  $125.00\nT his six-hour workshop is for the advanced student who is looking to learn photo-realism techniques in color pencil. Students with intermediate/advan ced drawing skills will learn advanced steps using dry and water-soluble c olor pencils and work on a small drawing from a photograph. Students must be prepared for class with a graphite drawing on Stonehedge paper no large r than an 8x10 (Please see material list for complete information).\n\nLev el -  Advanced\nView/Print Class Information and Material List\nMaterial List\n\n Dry Color Pencils: Professional grade color pencils are a must! Prismacolor brand is preferred due to blending capabilities and availabili ty in local stores\; invest in the largest set you can afford. Blick Art S upply has incredible discounts online at\, and also availabl e in stores. If you have another brand such as Derwent\, FaberCastel\, etc .\, feel free to use what you already have in stock.\n Water-Soluble Colo r Pencils: Professional grade color pencils are a must! Caran D’ Ache Su pracolor Soft Aquarelle pencils are highly recommended\, a small set will go a long way. Water-soluble pencils are used sparingly and mostly for bas e layers\, so a large set is not necessary. Available online at DickBlick. com and in stores.\n Stonehedge Drawing Paper - White: The BEST paper for color pencil\; by Legion Papers and available in pads or large single she ets at Blick Art Supply. Note: Extra Stonehedge paper will be supplied for practicing in class.\n Photo: Please do not choose animals\, or high ref lective or glossy objects (glass\, porcelain\, etc.)\; highly recommend a simple subject and composition.\n Small drawing board.\n Any additional drawing supplies you normally use. If you have a desktop Ottlite\, please bring it along.\n Graphite drawing: Drawing must be very light\, using an Ebony pencil is preferred but if you tend to draw dark\, use a 2H/4H but be careful not to press hard and indent the paper. Add shadow lines and ma ke drawing as detailed as possible.\n Pencil sharpeners\, kneaded erasers \, extra drawing paper\, and additional drawing supplies provided. Please contact me for any questions at\n\nGot a question about this class?  Write to Kris:\n[contact-form to="kstraukasart@gmail. com" subject="Got a Question for Kris"][contact-field label="Name" type="n ame" required="1"][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="1"][ contact-field label="Message" type="textarea"][/contact-form]\n\n[envira-g allery id="40708"] ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: ds/2019/03/Kris-Straukas-Bio-Pic-e1552684863708.png?fit=181%2C220&ssl=1 CATEGORIES:Sketching LOCATION:Cumming Arts Center\, 111 Pilgrim Mill Rd\, Cumming\, GA 30040\, C umming\, GA\, 30041\, United States GEO:34.210207;-84.132135 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=111 Pilgrim Mill Rd\, Cummi ng\, GA 30040\, Cumming\, GA\, 30041\, United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X- TITLE=Cumming Arts Center:geo:34.210207,-84.132135 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR