BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180213T183000Z DTEND:20180213T213000Z DTSTAMP:20180817T155339Z URL: SUMMARY:Acrylics Crash Course - with Katie Phillips DESCRIPTION:Class Description\nInstructor:  Katie Phillips\nFee: $95.00\n\ n\n\n\n\nHave you ever wanted to try painting as a hobby? Or maybe you’v e done the “wine and canvas” type classes before but want to dig in a little deeper?  If so\, then Acrylics Crash Course is just for you! This workshop is designed with the beginning painter in mind\, teaching the “ why” and “how” of this versatile painting medium. By the end of the course\, you will have both the confidence and encouragement to try painti ng on your own and start building on what you’ve learned.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n We’ll start by learning about different painting materials and getting set-up\n Then\, we’ll participate in a fun painting exercise to loosen up and get the creativity flowing (LUNCH BREAK – bring a sack lunch)\n From there\, we’ll talk about basic color theory\, how to choose colors and do color mixing exercises\n Finally\, we’ll discuss composition\, d esign elements and practice basic painting techniques with a still life pa inting\n\nYou will leave with two paintings\; an abstract and a still life .\n\nLevel - Beginner / Intermediate\nMaterial List\n1– 18 x 24 canvas ( Artist Loft level 1)\n1 - 11 x 14 canvas (Artist Loft level 1)\n1 Brush Se t (Artist Loft White Synthetic Brush Set of 10)\n\nPaints\n\nSuggested acr ylic brands Winsor &\; Newton Galeria or Grumbacher Academy\n\n Cadmiu m Red\n Crimson\n Ultramarine Blue\n Sap Green\n Yellow Ochre\n Cadmi um Yellow Medium\n Raw Sienna\n Burnt Sienna\n Raw Sienna\n Paynes Gra y (Michael’s only has this color in the Grumbacher Academy brand)\n Tit anium White\n\nAll materials can be purchased at Michael’s. CATEGORIES:Painting LOCATION:Cumming Arts Center\, 111 Pilgrim Mill Rd\, Cumming\, GA 30040\, C umming\, GA\, 30041\, United States GEO:34.210207;-84.132135 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=111 Pilgrim Mill Rd\, Cummi ng\, GA 30040\, Cumming\, GA\, 30041\, United States;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X- TITLE=Cumming Arts Center:geo:34.210207,-84.132135 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR